From Group Creation to Delivery in Just 4 Steps
Excellence in #

Too busy? Are you still dealing with the following time-consuming tasks?
Manual Counting of “+1”:
Marking orders manually can lead to errors and the risk of missing orders
Time-Consuming Payment and Reconciliation:
After the group is formed, you have to send QR codes to customers for payment and keep track of who has paid
Shipping Logistics Are Overwhelming:
Notifying each customer individually when the goods arrive and organizing shipping orders can be overwhelming

Four Major Selling Points

Easy! e-groupbuy’s The Four-step Solution to Your Worries!


Easy Group Creation

  • Create groups 24/7 with a single link
  • Customers can place orders themselves


Easy Order Collection

  • Supports various payment and group creation methods
    • Collect money upon arrival of goods? Yes!
    • Collect money upon group formation? Also, yes!
    • Collect money immediately upon order placement? Yes, again!


Easy Order Tracking

  • One-stop management for group creation, ordering, and shipping
  • Automatically notify customers about their order status
    • No need to message each customer individually; a centralized system handles it with a single click
  • Powerful order splitting and merging features
    • Easily handle customer requests like “Send me the item that has arrived” or “Please cancel the order for product B.”


Easy Shipping

  • Supports various shipping methods
  • Supports in-store pickup, self-delivery, courier delivery, and smart locker pickup
  • Integration with eBuy and SF Express backendsfor easy printing of shipping labels

Preferred by over 100 group buying organizers!

Case studies

Barbara Macau


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